
“Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.”

~Ernest Holmes

In Person Gatherings: Sundays

10 - 10:15 AM PT Meditation | 10:30 AM PT Gathering

Wednesday Evenings:

5:30 PM PT

Livestream Online Gatherings: Sundays

10 - 10:15 AM PT Meditation | 10:30 AM PT Gathering

Because I know the Truth of

“As within, So without”

I am consciously open and curious 

with my own inner landscape.

I live from my true values and 

create space for authentic self-expression.

May Affirmation

We know that spiritually empowered people live richer, fuller lives.

So we inspire minds, open hearts, and empower lives using the principles of Science of Mind.

Spiritual Principles


Spiritual Practices


“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.”

— Ernest Holmes

Center for Spiritual Living Eugene is excited to connect with you!